Sunday, April 12, 2009

girls night out preview 110409

Last night was a blast in its own way!!!
It was my first time partying with vy, and vy's friends Tammy and Yvonne, and Sam altogether!

That, and I overdosed myself with flu meds just before heading out; I was already high and 'floating' even before the party started and I was in my own world the whole night! LOL.

Peter, the big guy who's always in front of Attica was such a sweetheart to look after us and our drinks!:D

The girls took TONS and TONS of photos, shall update in a bit!! I am off to get ready for work now, I am going to do an overnight Bangalore later!!! :S

ARG! Hope I get well soon, I hate 'floating' all the time, I just can't focus! And I think I overdid it with the caffeine, panadol, and flu med just-AGAIN. Pray I last thru the night!!!

Sammy : see ya tomorrow!!! :D man- you really can sleep hun! I woke up at 11 this morning booooos!

Vy: miss u, have fun in Dubai, can't wait to steal the photos of yours, Tammy and Yvonne's cams!

Mum: really loved the msg you left on my skype. I love you all. Have fun shopping!!! I didn't find anything nice for you at Forever 21 yesterday:( But I saw the top that you bought last week, same colour! :D

Cyn: Get well soon darling!!

Happy Easter ya'll! xxx


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