Sunday, August 4, 2013

Love is what makes the world go round!

I am drained!
(But very happy!)

Day2 was an eye opener, I think I am amidst nurturing an idea.

Had a wonderful dinner with Paola, we went silk hunting. I hit my daily 3 Italian words quota most definitely. I am so pleased that I can actually have a conversation about serious stuff and life with her in Italian now! I won't know all the words but it's good enough to carry the conversation.
How cool is that!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Finding Yourself Can be quite Expensive

This year, I have embarked on a series of projects, with the main aim of finding myself.

Many times now while at work, I do find myself feeling trapped, and something that's just telling me there's more out there.

I have a wonderful family, and a great relationship with my parents. Ok, we fight and argue at times, but there's no major underlying issues
I have great health, abled limbs. I am in a loving relationship with Gian that just keeps getting better.
I am working in a foreign bank that has for great prospects.
I have friends I can count on.And, I even have friends I can't count on, but they are there for a good laugh or two!

Yet, something is missing.

I don't know if it's just me and my annoying inside voice, but I can say that listening to this voice has never caused me any regrets.

Maybe this is just the way the soul seeks for growth, so hell yea I am going to listen to everything it whispers.

So this Friday morning, I find myself sitting in a room filled with strangers, yet all united with a common goal: to find ourself and realize our true potential.

Sgd2300 poorer, it better works! Haha.