Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Dempsey Hill

Sat Night-found out Em and John were back in SG. We ended up in Dempseu Hill!! weeee!

My cushion cover , adjusting very well to my room! haha..

and my new dress , also from Delhi!!

this is Dempsey Hill!

us at Harry's.

after we were done with our cocktails, Em made us new drinks!! M and M 's and water. hahah.

we felt like ice cream next, so we headed to Ben & Jerry's. Yum! and they have alcoholic ice cream!! hmm -mmm.. I like!

this is our Kahlua Vanilla, and Baileys Choc. Yummeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

our not so succesful pic of the fountain.. :P

I need more sleeeeeeeep!!!

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