Friday, December 2, 2011

Running in Gardens by the Bay

My running gear!

Gian has just moved to Tanjong Rhu, where we have always liked to live. Just a year ago, we came here to take a look, and was just thinking it would be such a nice place to live in. So many dogs on the run and happy cheery people. I think it really makes a difference, living in the town area where it is stressful, versus living in the suburbs where it is so much more relaxed!

A pleasant neighbourhood, similar to that of Normanton Park- with its many many trees, dogs and parks!

So, I was all excited yesterday to explore the neighbourhood after he had left for work. Yes! I studied a bit, and come 18:00 hours, off running I went!

The view from the running tracks along the park.

Over the bridge, across the river, is a place where there are bars, a Jumbo Seafood restaurant, and an Indian restaurant. Ever since we've gone vegetarian, I am always on the lookout for Indian restaurants!

So his place has got a huge, kick-ass balcony, or mega terrace, call it that, if you may:

I can't wait for better weather to come next year. BBQs!

The orchids (still blooming furiously!), have found a new home, and friends! (spot the two smaller pots on its left)

Introducing my new Chilli plant (in bigger pot) and my new Basil plant (in the smaller pot, obviously). Planted today, can't wait for it to bloom, and we can prepare pasta with basil, and chilli!

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