Thursday, September 11, 2008

the best of yesterday

perhaps it is the time of the month again, or perhaps it could be the quiet house that i am waking up to, or

perhaps it is nearing the end of the year once again, the time of the year, when everyone 'wakes up' and ask themself ' gee, have i achieved my goals and resolutions this year??";

i woke up with a feeling of melancholy today.

and so , as it is usual of me each time i get this feeling, i'd pick up my laptop and start to write. Petra sent me a message today, and as usual it's always a nice feeling to know you are being thought of, especially half way around the world, 12 hours apart. It's nice to see the pictures of the Aukes family, to see smiling familiar faces that I have come to know and love in just a year of living with them.

It's funny how our lives crosses others' , some for a while, some perhaps longer, a year- and each time we form a bond, not to be broken -unless of course one crosses the border and betrays the other.

We all have our blood relation family, our dearest loved ones; mum and dad, sister , lil bro and darling babies; sugarbun and muffin, but over the years, I 've formed friendships and bonds with others that it feels like an extended family rather. Parents of friends, the Aukeses,friends.

Anyways, Petra's post as usual has got the family's whereabouts and gossips-always nice to know that it's so and so's bday- een feestje! they're having, she says. And it's always nice to see photos.

A photo paints a thousand words, we all say, and it is so true. Look at any old photo, taken at a time when you were happy, or sad, or had a thousand millions other thoughts running in your head the time the photo was taken; if you look at it again, you'd be reminded of what you were thinking or feeling the time the photo was taken.

So when I looked thru my album this morning, in a span of 12 months over the year of 2008, my life has taken such a drastic change; I don't recognize my life, or myself anymore. And hell no, its not just because I have stop taking my Gingko Biloba tablets (note:it helps with the dory fish memory).

Am i happy ? yes i am, of course I am. I love what I am doing now, but I am sad I can't share it with one of the most important person in m life; my dad. I don't mean to deceive you, pa but sometimes it is always easier to tell a white lie than risk hurting or disappointing the ones you love most, most most.

Mum, I love you, thank you for always being there for me, you give me so much strength, you know? I 'd be nothing without you.

so i decide to dedicate today's post to the ones i love most, and to the memories dearest to my heart. ok.. time to go wake sam and rach up.

ps: on a lighter note...oh my fucking god! i put on so much weight!!!!!!!!! I am going to starve myself from now on!!

pps: linny , yes you can visit, but i cant confirm the date just yet, will let you know once my schdule comes out. sorry linny. love you!!

ppps: cyn, same goes to you to! would love for you to come visit me, but i cant confirm the dates yet !!

i love you guys!

a break while studying for exams!!
old friends, and friends for life.

ben and his.. ermm.. muscles??? lol.. :P
my dearest jung and ja eun!
baby monster-sugarbun bunny

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