Thursday, February 5, 2009

Zurich 040209

My room in Zurich has a children's playground with mountains as its backdrop , in view. After several mini naps, a trip to Migros ( nearby supermarket), and having read 1/4 of my book, I decide to leave my bed and sit by the window to watch a typical Swiss day pass me by.

It's cold outside , yet children are happily playing by the swings and slides. I wonder what kind of homes and families they return to, once it gets too cold and the sun sets.

A lone man, dressed in a heavy trenchcoat , walks by , anxiously stopping by car after car, peeping thru the windows of the vehicles put out by Citroen- perhaps he wishes for a car he can't afford- just like how we all wish for things that sadly; we can't always have.

A warm yellow glow lights up the inside of one of the rooms in the top most level of the apartments opposite the hotel. I wonder who lives there, what kind of life he/she leads, and if he/she is happy.

Parents are starting to congregate by the benches beside the playground now, watching over their children- perhaps they too are reminiscing over childhood days, long gone.

A group of women pass by, animatedly chatting with each other, just like how most women do when with her trusted gilfriends- I wonder what their conversations are of.

1722 ; and the sun has disspeared behind the mountains; I suspect it mst be freezing cold by now as children with parents in tow start to leave the play area, its quieter now outside the hotel.

1739 an empty tram rides by.

Ahh- think I'll have my breakfast by the window tomorrow :)

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