Friday, July 3, 2009

A rabbit named Peanut

My lil bro was driving home two nights ago at 4 in the a.m.
Three houses away from home, a fat cat dashed across the road -obviously chasing FOOD!

My lil' bro stopped to see what 'FOOD' was- and it turned out to be a little quivering brown baby bunny. So he rescued 'FOOD' - aptly name it Peanut after our previous Bunny, Peanut- and he brought it home .

Muffin (bigger than Peanut) was afraid of it. Silly girl.
Sugarbun being the rabbit-sized Doberman she is, was furious with the late night intruder and barked her head off all night!

Next morning; mum posted leaflets of lil Peanut (who found home in my bro's room), all around our neighbourhood.

Turned out Peanut belongs to a little Malay girl who lives a few houses down our street.

Ahh, I love happy endings.

I love my lil' bro for many reasons, but for this, I love him all the more for being such a kind soul

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