Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Flying Pillow

Dreamt last night I was suppose to go on a flight to Milan, but it was my free ticket flight.

It turned out my 'plane' was actually a large flying pillow, and since I am an 'illegal crew' I had to wear a Winnie the Pooh costume, complete with a fckin ugly Winnie the Pooh face mask to boot. That, and I had this lazy pilot who refused to take off on time!!! He wanted to go get coffee from Yakun Kaya Toast!

Then I was comparing when Sam and I were going to LAX for a holiday, and how excited we were to go, and be on a proper plane; and now I have to fly on a flying pillow all the way to Europe just 'cause am no longer a cabin crew. Grrr.

I woke up disoriented; confused if I was in Milan, or Singapore; then I found Muffin staring at me.

Sigh. My dreams!

1 comment:

Bobo said...

Hahaha! Good ole Muffin. It's a sure sign that you're home :)