Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sleep-induced Night

Ok, I really do try to avoid taking medication or drugs whatsoever usually.

However, desperate times call for desperate measures.

It's been 3 days two nights, and I have only slept a total of 5 hours at most.

The grogginess during the day is not too bad, but man, the long nights are killing me.

I had totally forgotten all about those long restless nights during my crew days, but the past two nights brought them right back, fresh and raw.

Last night, all I could think about was receiving a call from Sam in Japan one night, in tears because she couldn't sleep. I felt just as frusfrated last night.

Something about it, I don't know of being awake whilst everyone else is asleep makes me depressed and alone.

Last night, I got home , went for a run, fed the fish, cooked dinner, and by 11 I naively thought that I was ready for bed. Boy, was I wrong!

By 1 am I gave up. I messaged
a few friends and my family, some asleep, some awake- however, one by one, all of them went to sleep. By 3, I decided to watch MasterChef. 4 am I tried sleeping. But wait a minute, 4.15 I thought I was going mad because I started hearing weird scratchy sounds in the room. I turned on the lights only to find two humongous cockroaches crawling about in his darn room!!

I told them to go away please and let me sleep, and thank goodness they did.

Tonight, I am going back to my place where I have yet to have any crawly encounters.

Hmm fool me once shame on you, fool
me twice, I am fool. Or was it shame
On me?

Hence- tonight I shall be armed!!!

With ahem: Sleeping pills for jet-lag and a bottle of Sheltox in the other!!!

Sleep, you better freaking make sure you come to me tonight!

Oooooh this is a war I shall so win!!

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