Saturday, August 29, 2009

highschool mates*

A mini meet-up , Velvet KL.

Too little pics taken for yours truly was oh too tipsy!

But yes, great to see familiar faces!

to my favourite ladies *

Guess who came to KL to visit me???

my twin!

and Yvonne !!!! *hearts!*

my dear cyn- i know there's not much we can say or do to help ease the pain of losing someone very dear ; but just know that we are here for you. *lots love*

Just 7 days ago, we were all in KL city-

love you girls!


O k-
Operation 3 hours turned into Operation 48 hours.

Lessons learnt:

A. If your moving plan comprises of shoving 5 wardrobes worth of clothes into trash bags- make sure you actually have lots of those kick ass huge ones- NOT JUST 3 PUNY ONES !

B. Em. Well. Just hire a packer.

oh and two movers, and a big fat container truck . That ought to do it.

Met Gigi, my new best friend in the lift today.
She 's from the Philiphines, and works part time cleaning houses. So guess who did the unpacking for me??

Brilliant. Just brilliant!!

off to Zurich tomorrow!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

27th August 09 : The BIG move

No kidding.

Really. Big. MOve.

With a bicyle, lamps, oven , coffee table, millions of clothes , shoes to boot.

But I have a plan. And a pretty kick ass one at that. Weeeee I am so proud.

Ok- Scheduled Operational Period: 3 hours

I am going to throw my clothes into huge trash bags- labelled "party clothes", "work clothes", "winter wear" etc.

I shall keep my cabin and cargo bags for miscellaneous items - my shoes, my bags, my books, my mags, my bed sheet.

and voila!

Get MR Mover Handyman to transfer all to lorry - and woo hooo! i am there.

Sounds Easy?

Let's see how it works out on the 27th :)

Oooooh! i am excited!! (oK.. also a teensy stressed. )

Heading to Sydney in the morning, waking up at 2 ish in the a.m. in a few hours!!


Thursday, August 20, 2009

i gotta feeling~

was just editing my playlist- and at the top of my list would be Black Eyed Pea's I gotta feeling and The Creeps' Get on the Dance Floor- you know how when you 're on a holiday and a certain song keeps coming up?

you'd be instantly brought back to the time when you were on that holiday the next time you hear that song again.

loves it! reminds me of the recent Indonesian holiday I took with Sam- definitely one of my best trips ever. EVER!
Thanks sammy for figuring out the song to our naughty drinking game, it took me forever!!

Shall upload more pics, when I' ve the time- this is just the icing on the cake; trust me :p


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

one week annual leave!!

Great to be back- to catch up on my long-deprived sleep, family time , and doggie walks with my smelly fluffy monsters!!!

Though I enjoy living out of a suitcase and being on a constant run - i really do appreciate my time spent on ground, at home :)

Oooh i am excited! Come this friday, my girls vy and yv 's coming down to KL for one night of partying with cyn!!! nelson and vincent 's back too , wooohoo! cant wait .

Next few weeks shall be hectic. I am moving on the 27th , and have yet to pack- can I hire a personal packer??

Packing my bags for KL yesterday, I am truly amazed at the amount of possessions I've accumulated over my one year of flying- dresses! Jackets!heels! bags! quite a few with price tags attached still- I wonder if I will ever get to wear them all. Poor stashed away babies!

And my room's strewn with paper pags , all with new clothes from having spent my whole of one week in Singapore last week for training .


Oh well. Shall cross the bridge when I get there, on the 27th , that is! Dear god of moving houses, please help me! :P

For now- I am back in KL , baby!

ps: dear vy, shall upload our London photos ASAP k?? looking forward to taking you and Yv around KL on fri!! let's paint KL city RED!!!


Sunday, August 16, 2009

almost September


I LOVE LOVE LOVE my sequined hotshorts!!

so its a done deal, We are all moving in a week- I am excited!!! New place, new start once agaiN! :)

Sanfrancisco... HERE WE COME!!!!!!! :P

welcome back , nelson!!!!!!

happy lazy Sunday y'all.

Monday, August 10, 2009

the London preview

fantastic weather. great company. gorgeous English backdrop.

ah. happy life ;)

London.. I shall be BACK most definitely!

Sorry, been really busy- shall be slow with updates. Jut got back from Bombay- great trip, a tad too short.


Happy Birthday Singapore!!!!


Friday, August 7, 2009

girls gone.. crazy!

Back from my island vacation- was FAB FAB FAB!!!!

sammy and i are planning our next trip in september already , woohooooooo !

gotta wake up in an hour and half to go to Bombay- coming soon!!!!

ps: London was the BEst too!!! pics coming up Bobo!! kisses!

happy weekend ya'll